

I. Vehicles and Equipment
a. All wheeled or tracked vehicles, including bicycles and mountain bikes, are prohibited.

b. The unauthorized use of tools, including, but not limited to, saws, axes, picks and shovels is prohibited.

II. Uses Not Requiring a Permit

a. Hiking, nature appreciation, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing. Caution: There ongoing research at many locations in the forest.

b. Horseback riding on designated trails.

c. Walking of pets, which should be kept on a leash at all times.

III. Uses Requiring Permission
a. Research/educational activities with permission of the HMF Manager who coordinates ongoing research and educational programs.

b. Collection of flora, fauna, cultural materials, dead wood, soil or other material may occur only after application to and receipt of written permission from the HMF Manager.

c. The use of the Jim Dorland Memorial Cabin at the eastern entrance of the HMF is limited to Williams Outing Club members and requires making a reservation with that organization.

IV. Prohibited uses
a. Fires, fireworks and explosives.

b. Littering or the disposal of any material.

c. Camping and fishing.

d. Altering streambeds.

e. Tampering with any structure, instrument, or marking.

f. Firearms, except for use in the hunting of deer as provided below.

g. The introduction or release of any animal or plant.

V. Hunting
a. All hunting, except deer hunting described below, is prohibited.

b. Deer hunting in the Massachusetts section of the Forest, by permit from the CES, and by firearms only, is allowed in designated areas of the Forest pursuant to Massachusetts law.

For group use of Hopkins Memorial Forest and its facilities, maps, publications, species lists and other information, or questions about our policies, please contact the Hopkins Forest Manager at (413)-597-2346.