Hopkins Forest contains about 12 miles of trails open to the public for walking, skiing and snowshoeing. Horseback riding is allowed only on the Ford Glen Brook and Carriage Road trails. All wheeled and motorized vehicles, including bicycles, are prohibited in the HMF.
Birch Brook Trail. The BBT leaves the Upper Loop Trail near a bridge across the North Branch of Birch Brook. The trail climbs the steep, east-facing slope of the Taconic Range, crossing the New York state border at 1.1 miles and reaching the Taconic Crest Trail 1.5 miles from the Loop Trail.
Carriage Road Trail. The CRT (1.4 mile), also known as the Horse Trail, follows the alignment of the Buxton Farm carriage road running between the Rosenburg Center at the eastern HMF entrance and the northern reaches of NW Hill Road.
Ford Glen Brook Trail. The FGBT parallels Ford Glen Brook between the Hoosic River and Northwest Hill Road. The eastern half of this 0.6 mile-long trail is on private property.
Hoosic River Tail. The mile-long HRT parallels the Hoosic River along the eastern boundary of the HMF. The HRT starts at the old Boy’s Club Camp field on the FGT and ends at the northeastern corner of the Forest.
Lower Loop Trail. The LL forms a loop of about 1.5 miles immediately west of the Rosenburg Center at the main entrance to the HMF. The northern leg of the trail is on the old carriage road, while the southern leg parallels an old farm road and has a fairly steep section just west of the Moon Barn.
Upper Loop Trail. The 2.6 mile UL is the western loop of a figure-eight formed with the LL. The trail cross rolling terrain and can be hiked in less than two hours.
Shepherd’s Well Trail. The SWT (1.0 mile) connects the Taconic Crest Trail with the western upper reaches of the RRR Brooks Trail (that ends on Bee Hill Road at Flora Glen in Williamstown).
Taconic Crest Trail. The TCT extends from Pittsfield, MA to N. Pownal, VT and is marked with white blazes. The Trail runs near the western border of the HMF. The easiest access to the Trail is from Petersburg Pass on Route 2. The Trail enters Hopkins Forest immediately north of the Pass, reaching the SWT at 0.4 miles and the BBT at 1.0 miles from Petersburg Pass. About 0.5 miles north of this intersection, the TC trail enters Vermont and 2.75 miles from Petersburg Pass a short trail leads east to the Snow Hole.
Additional information on this and other trails is available in the Northern Berkshire Outdoor Guide, published by the Williams Outing Club.