Since 1983, the Hopkins Memorial Forest has been the home to a robust weather monitoring operation, that monitors barometric pressure, precipitation, relative humidity, solar radiation, temperature, and wind speed and direction. To see live-time reports of the monitoring, in addition to the historical archives, go to the the weather section of the Geosciences Website.
In addition to weather, the Hopkins Memorial Forest is the home to Williams’s College’s watershed monitoring program, which monitors water levels, soil temperature, stream flow and water temperature, and chemical components in the Birch Brook Watershed. To see past reports, go to the Watershed Data Archives on the Geosciences Website.
Since 1935, the Hopkins Memorial Forest has been home to a permanent plot system of .25 acre plots, which undergo a tally on the plot will include all tree species of 0.5″ DBH and greater every 15 years. To learn about the history or methology of the project or search the data archives, see the project’s official website.